Your mortgage shouldn’t hold you back from your goals - it should help you get there.
A brand new year is the perfect time to usher in some fresh perspective, right?
And since 2023 was a real doozy for most of us, the timing could not be better to start shifting our intentions and our decision-making to protect our families, our peace and our bottom lines more than ever before.
Because the past year backed so many of us into financial corners, we’ve heard from a ton of people already that setting financial goals for 2024 feels like a losing battle. But that doesn’t have to be the case at all - in fact, we should be focusing on the opposite. We should bring our financial goals to the forefront of our focus and take lessons from last year’s obstacles that may have derailed some of our growth that we can apply to how we move forward!
And if your mortgage was one of those obstacles for you last year as payments ballooned or your renewal drew nearer, it can be easy to want to keep it out of sight and out of mind or let it prevent you from creating new goals. But your mortgage doesn’t have to be an adversary to your goals at all. With understanding and strategy, you can actually use your mortgage to your advantage to help propel you closer to your loftiest financial goals this year.
Taking your mortgage from burden to catalyst
It’s kind of human nature to resent these big, seemingly inflexible debts that we take on when we buy a home - because, traditionally, they’ve been a monolith that doesn’t leave a ton of wiggle room. So when payments grow, and your income doesn’t grow to match, it can feel impossible to get ahead. But there are hundreds of different mortgages in Canada that can be customized to align with your long-term goals and help get you there faster.
What possibilities would open for you if you could make just a small structural tweak or two this year to increase your cash flow, create a safety net, or start investing in your future?
Say you hoped to eliminate all high-interest consumer debts before 40 so you could start focusing any surplus income toward saving for future dreams. But by your mid-thirties, you find yourself still owing $75k across student loans, vehicle payments and credit cards that charge you double-digit interest each month.
If this sounds familiar, and you’ve been stressing about your upcoming renewal increasing your payment and setting you back further - it could actually be perfect timing. By responsibly accessing your equity when your renewal rolls around, you can consolidate all outstanding balances under your mortgage umbrella — saving thousands in interest without having to incur early repayment penalties to do so! Now you’re back on your trajectory to be consumer debt-free years earlier!
Or maybe after a few tough years, you’ve set an audacious goal to move your family to a new city in just a few short years for a change of scene and a breath of fresh air! But you know that if you sign another fixed mortgage term, you could be stuck under the thumb of your mortgage terms for longer than you’d like. But remember - not all lenders are created equity! Perhaps your best option would be to switch to a lender with more flexible terms that would allow you to transfer or move out early without penalty!
Additionally, you may consider extending your amortization, keeping payments affordable and retaining cash flow to pour into your adventure fund each month. With a few mortgage tweaks, your big goal suddenly doesn’t seem so scary!
Your best path forward
Of course, there is no universal solution for aligning your mortgage with your long-term goals because everyone’s got their sights set on something different!
It’s important that you make the best, most informed decisions for you and choose options that align with your unique goals and needs. More conservative homeowners may opt for shorter amortizations, rapidly eliminating interest costs through disciplined lump sums. At the same time, others may opt to responsibly harness longer terms or lines of credit to align budgets to realities until earnings increase.
The point is simple - don’t let restrictive thinking derail dreams. If your current mortgage no longer serves your evolving needs, then it’s time to find an alternative!
How will you harness the power of your mortgage to make this year one of your best yet? Let’s reconnect to explore possibilities so that by this time next year, you are feeling empowered not just in spite of your mortgage, but because of it!
Just a few short weeks left to enter our winter giveaway!
All winter long, we have been connecting with our client community, asking you to help spread the word that your mortgage can be a friend instead of your enemy by referring the people you love to have a conversation with us about how their own mortgage can become their superpower. And to show our love and gratitude, we’re giving away not one, but two individual Nordic Spa Packages at The Kananaskis Mountain Lodge, including a 1-night stay.
To enter, all you have to do is email or call us!
Introduce us to someone you know who can use coaching around their equity this fall via email to your Flare Happiness Creator with the subject line "Talk to Flare" OR have them call us at 587-713-4022 and tell them you referred us. I will then send you an email or text to confirm you've been entered into the draw.
Not sure how to break the ice? It's easy! You can send them a link to this blog post to show them that your mortgage can be a tool for getting you closer to your goals!
Because we’ve been loving connecting with so many of your loved ones, we have decided to extend the content to January 31st, 2024. Then we will draw randomly from all those who introduced us by February 15, 2024*
Our goal here is simple - we can share all the social media content in the world, but the best way to get the word out and to educate as many people as we can is by sharing the love through our community - through you!
Since opening our doors, the best relationships we’ve built have been through your referrals, and this is one way we’d love to return the love and give two of you a luxurious weekend away. Because after the year we’ve just had, we know you could use it.
*to be entered, Flare must receive a completed application from the referred party; participants will be notified by email or text when they are entered;
contest open to all current and past Flare clients or Flare VIPs (mailing list members etc);
prizes valued at $868++ each;
contest ends January 31st, 2023 and will randomly draw 2 winners on or before Feb 15, 2024.